Antenna Group is proud to announce today that we’ve won ten new clients in recent months spanning our energy + sustainability and smart life technology practices.
We’ve expanded to work with a thrilling range of companies working in the most innovative fields around, from Civil Maps, Divergent 3D, TransLoc and Motus Ventures working in self-driving cars and new transportation technologies to breakthrough energy technologies like Zen Ecosystems, mPrest and Blue Pillar that bolster resilience and slash costs for energy companies and businesses. We’re bolstering our extensive solar experience (50+ solar clients served) with incredible technology from Alta Energy and Edisun. And Rayvio is delivering powerful health and hygiene solutions powered by UV LED technologies to consumers around the world.
These innovative companies are a natural fit for Antenna Group: they have entrepreneurial DNA, are tackling front page issues, and partnered with us to create strategic PR programs designed to achieve breakout velocity.
Talking with one new client just today (Edisun!), I was again reminded of the natural link between our smart life technology and energy + sustainability practices. Smart life technologies make life easier, faster, less expensive and seamless, usually cutting out waste in the process. Those savings quite often translate to energy reductions and a more efficient use of resources, which in turn accelerate carbon reductions. And of course there are natural areas of overlap between the two practices, from IoT technologies to the smart home and pioneering new transportation technologies like 3D printed cars.
Last week I checked out a panel here in San Francisco discussing some of the most exciting scientific advances in recent years—and featuring a number of reporters we interact with every day. While there were some interesting ideas presented (AI, space travel, GPS), I walked away with a profound sense of gratitude that we get to work with far fresher, mind-bending technologies every day.
It’s a testament to our passionate staff (we care harder!) and our brilliant culture that we can play a vital role shaping some of the biggest conversations that are transforming the scaffolding of our society.